Monday, March 9, 2009

Web 2.0 Definition and Examples

At the fall of the global conglomerates tight leash over the internet, and its applications. "Web 1.0" underwent a shakeout, (essentially where rising technologies take the place of older ones). Companies sought to hold the webtop much as Microsoft hold the desktop, and control the information and software which a user recieved and was available for them to use. This was the old format of "Web 1.0" in which information was fed to the consumer. "Web 2.0" (The term coined by O'Reilly and the MediaLive International) has a much more "collective intelligence" in which instead of information or software coming from one source, it is provided by many, at no change, to allow a freedom of expression and ideas amongst the general population of the world. Many of these "collective" programs replaces their old "Web 1.0" counterparts eg;

Web 1.0 Web 2.0
DoubleClick --> Google AdSense

Ofoto --> Flickr

Akamai --> BitTorrent -->Napster

Britannica Online -->Wikipedia

personal websites -->blogging

evite --> and EVDB

domain name speculation -->search engine optimization

page views -->cost per click

screen scraping -->web services

publishing -->participation

content management systems -->wikis

directories (taxonomy) -->tagging ("folksonomy")

stickiness -->syndication

(referenced from the "What is Web 2.0" blog

Even social web programs emerged on the world wide web, such as Myspace, Bebo, Facebook etc, these social networking software are all included under the broad branch of Web 2.0 designs

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